GPXReader - initial Endorphine Algorithm


I've initially looked at my source code and Github and found that I've got few things a bit wrongly implemented (not using properly DRY principle.)

I've found also that gpxreader_test branch should be finally merged to master.

I've found also that android-initial startup as module that as not been …

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GPXReader - Clearing TDD Tests


As you might probably read at yesterdays article I've finally found how I shoud follow TDD principle and "flow".

It basically means, I will not create a bunch of tests, but instead I'll create a bunch of not-implemented methods/functions that are documented about their responsibilities but has no …

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GPXReader - Business Logic and Tests


I've informed you I'll be doing Business Logic for Biking Endorphines.

To make best of my time I've considered to go with TDD and that's why I'll first implement Tests for Business Logic.

This will propably shape all business logic, but I'll have already tests with myself for future …

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