FancyBox Pelican Plugin - are you done already?
The FancyBox is almost complete. Need to adjust some elements. But main functionality is almost complete.
Down below are all functions that I've created:
Replace function.
Needed to create a replace function for replacing fancybox markdown element from article with a fancybox-type element used with fancybox javascript engine.
Test for replace function:
def assert_replace(article, expected):
"Asserts replace equals expected"
assert replace(article) == expected
def test_given_article_with_fancybox_replace():
"Checks if Replace method makes replacement of <fancybox></fancybox>element into <a class='fancybox_group'></a> "
article = Article('Data data data\n <{}>TEST</{}>\ndata data data'.format(FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME))
expected = 'Data data data\n <a class="{}">TEST</a>\ndata data data'.format(CLASS_SELECTOR)
assert_replace(article, expected)
def test_given_multiple_fancybox_elements_in_article_replace():
"Checks if multiple fancybox elements will be replaced with fancybox-type engine element"
article = Article('Data data data\n <{}>TEST</{}>\ndata <{}>TEST</{}>data <{}>TEST</{}>data'.format(FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME))
expected = 'Data data data\n <a class="{}">TEST</a>\ndata <a class="{}">TEST</a>data <a class="{}">TEST</a>data'.format(CLASS_SELECTOR, CLASS_SELECTOR, CLASS_SELECTOR)
assert_replace(article, expected)
Source code:
def replace(article):
"Replaces fancybox tag with <a class='fancybox'></a>"
elements_fancybox, soup = find_fancybox_element(article)
for fancybox in elements_fancybox: = TAG_REPLACEMENT
fancybox['class'] = CLASS_SELECTOR
fancybox['href'] = fancybox.text
fancybox.append( BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser").new_tag("img", href=fancybox.string) )
return str(soup)
Add Dependency function.
"add_dependency" function - adds all javascript and css dependency files as / to source of markdown article. Probably now it's not added, but soon this "dependency" will only be added if
Test for "add dependency" function:
def test_given_article_add_dependency():
"Checks if article contains css element after using 'add_css' function - only if fancybox element exists"
expected_content = '<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'
expected_content += '<link href="fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'
article_content = 'Data data data\n <{}>TEST</{}>\ndata data data'.format(FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME)
article = Article(article_content)
expected = Article(expected_content + article_content)
assert str(add_dependency(article)._content) == str(expected._content)
Source code:
def add_dependency(article):
'Adds CSS/JS dependency to article only if article contains fancybox element'
script_tag = BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser").new_tag("script", type="text/javascript", src="")
css_tag = BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser").new_tag("link", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="", media="screen")
script_tag['src'] = DEPS_JS_JQUERY_URL
content = str(script_tag)
script_tag['src'] = DEPS_JS_FANCYBOX_URL
content += str(script_tag)
css_tag['href'] = DEPS_CSS_FANXYBOX_URL
content += str(css_tag)
article._content = content + article._content
return article
Add Binding Fancyboxscript function.
This function adds Javascript binding between fancybox elements in markdown source and fancybox engine.
Tests :
def test_given_article_add_binding_fancyboxscript():
"Checks if article contains javascript binding between name of class and fancybox script"
article_content = 'Data data data\n <{}>TEST</{}>\ndata data data'.format(FANCYBOXNAME, FANCYBOXNAME)
expected_content = article_content
expected_content += "<script>"
expected_content += """$(document).ready(function() {$("a.fancybox").fancybox({'hideOnContentClick': true});});"""
expected_content += "</script>"
article = Article(article_content)
expected = Article(expected_content)
assert str(add_binding_fancyboxscript(article)._content) == str(expected._content)
Source code:
def add_binding_fancyboxscript(article):
"Adds biding for fancybox script with class selector"
binding = "<script>"
binding += "</script>"
article._content = article._content + binding
return article
Source code of plugin-itself
def fancybox_plugin(generator):
"Fanxybox plugin - temporary code placement"
for article in generator.articles:
article._content = add_dependency(article)._content
article._content = add_binding_fancyboxscript(article)._content
article._content = replace(article)
What needs to be done (a follow-up article about that :) )
In short - functions needs to be change into methods, links to js/css needs to be adjusted. Some additional tests needs to be added.
Final result
Final result can be checked at this branch
Code commits done for this post:
- Refactors code. Fixes issue with not adding img inside of a-tag
- Refactors js/css dependency code
- Adds add_biding_fancyboxscript source code.
- Adds failing test for add_binding_fancyboxscript function
- Adds passing test for add dependency
- Adds failing test for add_dependency function
- Refactors code with assert_replace function
- Adds test for multiple fancybox elements in article
- Refactors code - replace name for better name-convention
- Refactors code.
- Fixes source code using BeautifulSoup
- Fixes test assert. Adds replace failing function.
- Fixes a bit source code.
- Adds failing test for replace function
- Refactors code - adds constant instead of hardcoded value.
Tools and applications used:
- Vi/VIM
- Docker
- Tmux
- anselmos/dotfiles
- anselmos/linux-utils
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